Thursday, September 9, 2010

Organic Wine on the Cheap

I'm not much for wine usually, but while in Trader Joe's the other day, I found a sign that advertised an organic wine for 5.99 a bottle. 5.99 is a cheap wine any day, and to have it be organic? I was sold.

This Albero sparkling white wine was from Spain. It was very smooth and it went very well with our Italian-flavored dinner, including chicken and a risotto. Yum!

Now, my husband and I can almost never finish a bottle on our own with dinner. Our friends got us an awesome wine preserving decanter for our wedding. It looks something like this. It is an expensive initial investment, but it saves our wine, and we can have it for another meal. Even after several weeks, I can still use the last bits for a great white wine sauce when it's been vacuumed in with one of these doohickeys.

A reminder, check out other tips about finding cheap wine here. Also keep in mind your carbon footprint. If you live on the East Coast like I do, your carbon footprint is less for a wine from Western Europe than the West Coast. Go figure.

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